Safeword: Matte Page 7
He released her ankles from her wrists, but left her bound wrist to wrist and ankle to ankle. A rope had been thrown over the beam running across the porch, and he used it to tie her arms over her head, threading it through her cuffs and expertly knotting it. Stepping back, he dried himself while looking at her appraisingly, but didn’t say anything. He'd taken the condom off at some point and his cock was semi-hard. Sam watched as he walked to a side table and picked up a large flogger, and then lost her view of him as he stepped behind her.
The rope above her didn’t let her stand flat footed, she was up on her toes and she knew her calves would be hurting before this was over. The rope had a knot she could grab onto with her hands to take some of her weight, and she knew he'd done that on purpose. She wanted this, wanted to hurt, wanted him to hurt her, wanted him to own her in this way, too. He'd said he was going to flog her until his arms were tired, that could be a very long time. It was raining harder now, a true downpour, what her grandfather would have called a toad strangler. The wind was blowing and every once in a while she felt a mist from the rain blowing in. Not enough to wet her, just a warm light mist on her front.
She heard the flogger swishing through the air and then felt it as she heard the crash of the strands on her back. He set up a rhythm right away. Swish, crash. Swish, crash. Sometimes it hit flat and the thud of it knocked her forward. Sometimes the tips landed and set her skin on fire in more than a dozen spots. She knew he was doing it on purpose, because he kept it balanced – right flat, left flat. Then a while later – right tips, left tips. Swish, crash. Swish, crash. He spent time on her upper back and on her ass, avoiding her kidneys in between. She felt it when the endorphins kicked in, felt her muscles relaxing. She rode the feelings, going from dealing with the pain, to accepting the pain, to finally craving the pain, wanting the next stroke. Needing the next stroke.
“Harder. I need more. It's not enough, Sir. Please.” Her voice didn’t sound the way she was used to hearing it.
He stopped and walked away, then walked back. The next stroke was what she'd asked for, and it was with a different flogger. She felt the knots in this one; felt them hitting her skin, dragging across it, raising welts in their path. It was perfect, exactly what she needed. She moaned in ecstasy, and then she realized he hadn't hit her hard the first time – he’d been testing to see how she was going to handle this flogger. Now he was putting muscle into it.
A thunderclap sounded in the distance and it was perfect, Mother Nature lashing them with rain and thunder, and Ethan lashing her in the midst of it. She grabbed onto the knot above her, raising herself up, feeling the burn in her arms as she relieved a little of the burn in her calves, and the flogging went on and on in a perfect rhythm. Swish, crash. Swish, crash. Her back and ass were on fire, her body was like a lit fuse, she needed to come but had no way to do it. Yes, she did. She squeezed her legs together, trying to get enough sensation on her clit to get herself off, and still the flogging continued, the knots striking and dragging.
The thunder and lightning were getting closer, the rain was more ferocious, the warm wind misting her almost constantly now. Swish, crash. Swish, crash. She heard him yell when the thunder roared, but didn't know what he'd yelled. In between the thunder and the wind she could hear herself giving moans and groans, gasping the humid air in, screaming it out. The pain was exquisite; the burn had turned her back and ass into a large throbbing sex organ, the caress of the flogger making her more and more raw.
She relaxed her hands, let more of her weight go to her calves once again, and then he was behind her, releasing her ankles from each other and lifting her up, sitting her down on his cock and pushing her down onto it. She hadn't expected it, but it was perfect, this primal claiming. She reached for the knot above her hands again, not because she needed to relieve the weight distribution anymore, she just needed something to hold into.
He fucked her like a madman. She came twice, her orgasm rolling through and over and around her as he played her body, his cock going in and out, his hands and gravity controlling where her body was.
Just as another peal of thunder reverberated against the mountain, shaking the house, the floor of the porch, the rope... he came with a roar she felt more than heard, his chest to her back, and she came with him, her orgasm rolling through her body as the thunder had rolled through the sky.
As Sam was coming back to herself, once her orgasm had finally subsided, she felt Ethan reach up and release her cuffs from the rope above her head. He slowly sank to the floor with her in his arms and gently maneuvered her onto her back, leaning over her and kissing her like a man possessed.
When he finally pulled back from the kiss and she could catch her breath she looked up and said, “I'm yours.”
He grinned down at her. “Damn straight you are.”
Chapter Five
When Sam awakened the next day she was thirsty and hungry and needed the restroom. She was firmly snuggled into Ethan's embrace though, so she just lay there, watching him sleep a few minutes before trying to move. He was such a contradiction, such a caring person who went above and beyond the normal caretaker roll. But then his inner sadist took over, capable of doling out pain in measures she'd never been able to handle before, and somehow made her want even more. And more. As her memory of the night before came back to her she realized it was a little scary, in a way. If this was their first weekend together, what would their fifty-second weekend be like – how far would they have gone one year from now?
She pulled away from him and he roused a bit. “Shhh, I'll be right back.”
He let her go, sleepily watching her as she got out of bed. She could feel him watching her as she made her way to the bathroom. Using the bathroom burned, which shouldn't be a surprise, really. She wiped gently and stepped in front of the mirror, turning round and twisting her neck to try to see her back. There were more than a few welts, but it didn't look as bad as she'd thought it would. She was surprised to see he hadn't broken the skin. She brushed her teeth and went back to bed, crawling in beside him. He kissed her forehead and made his own trip to the bathroom before crawling back into bed.
Sam felt him brushing her hair away from her face with his fingers, and opened her eyes as he leaned in to kiss her forehead. He pulled back from the kiss, looking serious. “How do you feel this morning?”
“Sex is off limits. If I need to make a recording of the safeword and just play it constantly I can, but your dick isn't coming near me until I have time to heal.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, I figured. How's your back?”
“Tender. More than tender, but it's fine. No complaints, it was perfect. And the storm was... it was just perfect, Ethan. I remember you bringing me to bed, cleaning me up and rubbing something on my back and ass. I must have fallen asleep during aftercare. I'm sorry.”
His eyes twinkled, his mouth in a half smile. “Don't apologize, I wore you out. Of course you fell asleep.” His face sobered a bit and he said, “It was perfect though. Would have been perfect without the storm, but the storm made it better – all of that extra energy around us, Mother Nature echoing us. Thank you for gifting me with that, Sam. The whole thing. Fighting you, having you fight me with all you could, taking the hits from you – it was an incredible turn on. It turns out your fantasy is also one of mine. I really hope you want to do it again sometime.”
“Yeah, I will. I mean, not every time, but yes. I do want to do it again.”
“What do we need to do to ditch the condoms? I'm pretty sure we can skip the cuffs if we do it again and I don’t have to figure out how to get a condom on.”
She shook her head. “I don't ditch condoms very often. Only for serious relationships.”
“From where I'm sitting, we've skipped the beginning stuff and gone straight to serious. If you need me to commit to a monogamous relationship, I’m good with that.”
She looked at him while thinking it over. She hadn't been dating around anyway, so it's not like
she'd be giving anything up. And he was right, they'd pretty much jumped straight into serious. She already knew he'd passed the infectious disease test to fight, but they only tested for things like HIV and a few of the Hep varieties. “Blood tests. We can go next week if you'd like.”
He nodded. “Sounds like you've got a place to go. Let me know when and where and I'll be there. I'm starving, I vote we fix breakfast and spend some time in the hot tub.”
“That sounds good, but I'll need to go home in a few hours. I need to go to the grocery store and run a few errands, get ready for the week.”
He sighed, cuddling her closer. “I understand, but I'm not ready to say goodbye yet. This has been magical, Sam. I've got real world stuff I need to do, too. But I don't want to.”
“What time do you start your days during the week?”
“I usually get to the shop around seven in the morning, which gives me some time to get organized before the men arrive.”
“What days do you work? People move on the weekends, right?”
“We have teams out seven days a week, but if I don’t want to work weekends then I don’t. I had planned to work yesterday, but the great thing about being the boss is you can pull other people in if you need to. I have someone I knew wanted the extra hours, so I didn't feel guilty about calling him in. What hours do you usually work during the week?”
“It kind of depends. On days I have court sometimes I meet the client at the office at eight and we talk about the expectations for the day and then walk to court together. Sometimes I just meet them at the courthouse at nine. I see people later in the day on Monday and Wednesday, and try to end things earlier on Tuesday and Thursday so I can get something light to eat before going to the dojo. I try to keep Friday evenings free so I can leave early, but I sometimes schedule mediation sessions during that time if I sense people are close to agreeing. Sometimes waiting too long means they talk themselves out of seeing things eye to eye.”
“Would it be too soon to suggest dinner Tuesday?”
“Are you going to work out with us?”
He nodded. “If I'm welcome, I'd planned on it. If you’re serious about not dating people from the dojo I'm fine with staying where I've been until I find a better place.”
She shook her head. “No, you know why I said no more people from the fighting world. It wasn’t about not dating guys from the dojo so much as only dating guys who were kinky.”
“If I'm welcome then yes, I'll talk to Tom about joining for good, making it my new home.”
“I'm teaching a Saturday self-defense workshop in a few weeks, and a few of the guys are coming for the last hour to give the women in the class someone to spar with. I’m teaching it for free, proceeds are going to one of the women and children’s shelters, so you won’t make anything for helping out, but if you want to come help us, the more men we have for them to protect themselves against, the better their self-confidence will be.”
“Is that your way of including me in the family?”
She grinned. “Yeah, I guess it is. There are a dozen or so of us who are pretty tight, and of that dozen there are five or six I consider close friends. You've only had a little time around them on your own, how do you feel about joining the group as my boyfriend?”
“No biggie. I guess the question becomes how you’ll feel Tuesday. Am I going to be allowed to hold your hand? Give you a peck on the lips?”
“I'm not big on PDA, but casual handholding is fine. Sitting by each other is fine. Leaving together is fine. I'm not going to hide the fact we're together, but there’s no need for any of them to know about the D/s.”
“Agreed. Come with me to the kitchen so I can get started on breakfast.”
“Let me help this morning.”
Chapter Six
Sam appraised her class while they took a short water break and decided it was a good time to have the ‘sparring etiquette’ talk with them. “Ladies, we’ve got some men who’ll be here in a little while who you’re going to be able to defend yourself against. I’ve taught you a few things today you shouldn’t use on these men – don’t jab their eye with your keys, don’t kick their kneecap, don’t punch or squeeze their Adam’s apple. Nothing that can cause them any kind of permanent damage. You can simulate a kick to the knee, or punch towards their Adam’s apple and stop before you touch it, but don’t make contact.”
They talked a little more about what could and could not be done while sparring and then got back to work. She was leading them through all the ways you can use your keys as a weapon when she saw Ethan and Tom coming into the side door and heard one of the ladies in the back say to her friend, “Wow, look at the big guy. I don’t know if I want to fight him off or not. Maybe I’d let him take advantage of me.”
Sam grinned, thinking this woman didn’t have a clue of what it meant to be taken advantage of by Ethan, but said only, “Sorry ladies, the big one on the right is mine.”
When the other men arrived Sam stopped her instruction and introduced Tom as the owner of the dojo, thanked him for donating the space for the workshop, and showed the women how to do the moves she’d shown them during the day with Tom as the bad guy. She organized the room and got the sparring practices started and then made her rounds through them, giving pointers here and there, happy with what the women had learned. She was pleased to see Ethan teaching them his size shouldn’t scare them, and showing them how to use his size against him. She’d gone over it with them, but having him demonstrate it was so much more powerful to their self-confidence.
At the end of the workshop, two women talked to Tom about taking regular classes as the rest of them filed out. Sam was feeling really good about her day when she felt Ethan’s hands on her shoulders and his mouth at her ear. “The guys all want to go out to eat. I told them I’d check with you to see if you had plans. Do you want a date with me or do you want to eat with the group?”
Sam turned her head to the side so she could see his face. “I’d be good either way, whichever you want. Although, a few of them have brought up the fact I haven’t been doing things with them after workouts during the week, so maybe we should hang out with them for dinner and see what’s up with everyone.”
“I was kind of thinking the same thing. I don’t want to pull you away from your friends too much. Okay, dinner with them it is then, but watching you teach the class got me all horny, so we’ll be stopping by your house so you can change clothes and give me a blow job.”
Sam recognized the look on his face and very quietly said, “Yes, Sir.”
* * * *
Ethan followed Sam into her house and, as soon as the door closed, turned on her, pushing her up against the wall and kissing her deeply, the way he’d wanted to since he first saw her teaching the class. There was just something about the way she moved, so self-confident, so strong, so… capable. And she was all his. Having so much raw power and strength submit to him just went straight to his cock, every time.
“We don’t have long, so this is going to be quick, and you aren’t going to orgasm. No speaking again until I say you can, unless it’s to say your safeword. I’ve got the stainless cane behind the seat of my truck, one stroke for every breath with a word. Go upstairs, strip, and get on your knees. Feel free to put a pillow down as a cushion if you like.”
Ethan could see Sam fighting with the no talking edict. They’d had several conversations about it and she understood why he required it at times, but she still had issues around it. The sadist in him loved watching her inward struggles. He wanted her submission, and this gave it to him in ways that turned them both on. He made a stop to use the restroom and clean up just a bit before following her upstairs.
She’d put a cushion from her bedroom loveseat on the floor, and was naked and kneeling in perfect form when he looked into her room. He leaned against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest and studied her a moment, his cock growing impossibly hard. “Open your mouth. Keep it open.”
She did
, even though he was still five feet away from her. His cock throbbed inside his pants at the sight.
“I’m going to fuck your face, Samantha. It’s going to be harsh and quick and dirty and you’re going to gag and not be able to breathe. Since you won’t be able to talk, tap my leg for a yellow, slap my leg hard for a red. Nod that you understand.”
She nodded and he slowly and deliberately unbuckled his belt, slid the button loose, unzipped his pants, pulled himself out without dropping his pants, and stepped forward holding a very erect cock. “Hands behind your back. Grab your elbows and hold on unless you need to tap my leg.”
He sank into her mouth and let her tongue him a few seconds, getting him wet. He couldn’t sink all the way into her throat, but he knew from experience he could go a pretty good ways, and he fully intended to. When she’d gotten him wet enough with her mouth he reached for the back of her head and sank slowly into her mouth, pushing past the back of it, sinking into her throat, slowing down when she gagged but not pulling out.
Ethan paused, absorbing the heat of being buried in her throat, before pulling out and going back in – giving her enough time for a little oxygen, but not much. He began a rhythm he knew she could handle, and one which would let him reach the point of orgasm the fastest. This wasn’t about finesse, it was about him getting off and not letting her get off. It was about making the point he was in control of her sexually. He let her get a longer breath and then went in and held, his hand on the back of her head, so he knew when her instincts began trying to pull her off of him. He looked down, into her eyes, holding her head firmly onto his cock, and felt his cock grow impossibly harder at the desperate look she was giving him.
“Hold it for me just a little longer, Samantha. You can do it, I know you can.”