Safeword: Matte - In Training Page 7
He only placed it about a half inch away, and it still hurt terribly, but was bearable.
Sam had no idea how much time had passed when several marbles slipped from her and crashed into the metal cookie tray below. She squeezed her pussy as tight as she could, and didn’t realize she was squeezing her eyes closed until a gentle finger traced both eyebrows and a soft voice near her ear rumbled, “Open your eyes and let me see how much it hurts, Darlin’.”
Opening her eyes made the muscles around the plug spasm, as if relaxing her facial muscles somehow affected her ability to control her pussy and ass muscles. Another marble dropped, clinking onto the tray, and her eyes threatened to close again as she slammed her pussy shut with all of her might.
Sam was flexible enough the splits weren’t a big deal. However, having her muscles bound into this position for so long was making her leg muscles strain as much as her pussy and ass muscles. She inhaled to a count of thirty, and exhaled it all out to a count of twenty, concentrating on allowing the tension in her muscles to flow out with her breath.
“You have such control, but I think I’d like to see you lose it tonight, Samantha darling.”
She opened her eyes to see his fierce green eyes, and she tried to push back, away from him, but the chair backs and her bondage held her firm.
“Since you can’t keep your eyes open, we’ll take your vision, to start.”
He reached under her chair and his hand appeared with a blindfold. Darkness enveloped her as the loose, furry fabric settled over her face.
Her hearing kicked into overdrive and she tried to make out what he might be doing. She thought perhaps he’d reached into the clothespin bag again, and she gasped as she felt fingers lift her left pussy lip. A short scream escaped as a point of pressure squeezed her outer labia, and within moments she had eight clothespins lining either side of her pussy. Too bad he hadn’t clothespinned them together, to help her hold the remaining marbles in. She didn’t even know if she’d lost more or less than half, though she assumed less.
She didn’t know what he put on her nipples, but she was certain they weren’t clothespins, and she screamed in agony through a half a dozen breaths before the biting pain merged with everything else.
Fingers lifted her clit hood, exposing the super sensitive nerve endings beneath, and something cool stroked either side and then down the top. Sam smelled cinnamon a few seconds before the burn started, and she barely bit back words as they formed in her brain. This wasn’t the first time he’d used toothpaste on her, so she knew how bad it would hurt in a few minutes, and she wasn’t sure she could handle the burn on top of everything else.
Fingers stroked around and over her clit hood, rubbing more toothpaste over sensitive skin, and Sam’s hips fought the rope as they tried to move, to escape.
She couldn’t hold the marbles any longer. Her pussy muscles let go and the remaining marbles clattered into the metal below her. Soft lips touched her forehead over the blindfold and Ethan’s deep voice rumbled, “Well done, Darlin’. A new personal best, which means your required times this week will go up. For now though, I think we need something bigger in your ass.”
He didn’t tell her what was going in, and she had no idea if it was another plug or the next size up stretching ring. She gasped as the plug came out, managed to control her noises as his fingers smoothed more lubricant inside of her, and squealed in surprise as something large was once again pressed into her.
He moved a little faster this time, and she fought to let it in as her muscles were forced to accommodate its girth.
Her clit was burning worse now, and the inside of her arms ached in numerous places from the clothespins. Her breasts hurt, too, but her inner arms screamed louder.
“Do you think my cock will fit in your pussy while your ass is stuffed full?”
Sam tried to move her hips again, the burn on her clit was almost too much, the clothespins on her arms were nearing unbearable, and her pussy was so empty.
Something smooth touched her lips and she opened them, groaning as she felt the ball gag enter. It was one of the softer silicon ones that didn’t hurt the roof of her mouth, but it spread her jaw painfully and she groaned around it.
The harness circled the back of her head and came back to the front, and she felt him fastening it over her forehead. The sides of the harness vibrated as rope pulled through the metal rings, and soon her face was held stationary between the two chair backs.
“You know what’s next, I’m sure.”
She did, but it didn’t make the first flogger strike to her breast any easier to handle, and the anticipation may have made it worse.
She screamed around the gag, and drool quickly formed and dripped out of her mouth, down her chin, onto her chest.
The flogger knocked the clothespins around and made them pinch worse, but didn’t begin dislodging them for at least a dozen strokes. He paused partway through to rake his hand through the clothespins on her underarms a half a dozen times, and her screams sounded foreign as the clothespins finally ripped off the sensitive skin.
When the last couple of clothespins were finally flogged off her breast, he kept going until she was sure he’d taken the top layers of skin. She writhed and helplessly fought the ropes, and at one point thought she might pass out from the pain… or perhaps she was just so busy screaming she wasn’t pulling enough oxygen in to remain conscious.
The flogging stopped and warm heat enveloped her clit, alighting the burning sensation even more. The warmth left her, but the blaze grew higher, and the ropes holding her legs and arms fell away.
“Scoot to the side and pull your legs together. I’ll give you a few minutes to regroup before I take you back upstairs.”
Her legs screamed in agony as she pulled them to a seated position and bent over in a fetal curl. She wrapped her arms around her knees, pulled her legs up, and whimpered in pained relief as her muscles re-acclimated.
An arm pushed under her knees and another wrapped around her back, and she was lifted like an infant. She relaxed into Ethan’s chest and heard, “You are so sexy with the red ball stretching your mouth open. I’m going to take you upstairs and fuck you, and you’ll have all three holes stretched to their current limit.”
Ethan attached her right wrist to her right ankle, then did the same on the other side. “I want to start with your feet above your ears, but once I get started you can move into whatever position you can manage.”
She pulled her legs and arms up over her head, and groaned as she jostled the huge thing in her ass. The plug had more give, while the aluminum rings didn’t, and she was almost positive this was the next size stretching ring.
He pushed the head of his cock into her quickly and she gasped in surprise, but he slowed once he hit more resistance. She wanted to talk to him so much, to tell him how full she was, how there wasn’t enough room for his cock and the new ring, how the cinnamon burned her clit… but she knew better, even if the huge ball hadn’t stretched her jaw and muted her tongue.
She could still whine and beg, could still show pleasure or pain with her sounds though, and she made sure he knew exactly how she felt every second as her gasps and pleas filled the room.
“You want more, but don’t think you can handle it. You want it to stop, but would go crazy if I pulled out and left you alone.”
His voice told her he was about to lose control, but was currently forcing himself to give her long, slow, measured strokes. She moved her hands and feet down and around him, until she was circled around him like one of those silly Velcro monkeys. She wished she could raise up and kiss him, but sufficed with caressing his back with her fingertips.
“Yeah, I love you, too. Hang on for me, Darlin’.”
Ethan straightened his arms and pushed up, and Sam held on for dear life as her back came off the bed. His hands finally wrapped around her for support, and he situated himself with her literally sitting in his lap. Sam’s arms wrapped naturally around his rib ca
ge, and her knees stuck out to the side as her ankles dangled from her wrists.
Ethan leaned her back a little, forcing her to release her grip around him while tilting her hips up so his cock hit her g-spot.
And then he began moving, literally bouncing her up and down on his lap, and she howled a series of nasal screams as most of the sound came out of her nose instead of fighting its way around the ball gag filling her mouth.
Just as she was sure she couldn’t hold her orgasm back a second longer Ethan barked, “Come, Samantha!” and her body soared into the stratosphere as a multitude of colors and sensations washed over and through her, and she lost control of every muscle in her body as she blissfully writhed in Ethan’s strong arms.
Ethan usually lay with her for a while before cleaning her up, but today he moved into action within seconds of his orgasm, carrying her to the bathtub and using the handheld sprayer to rinse the toothpaste from her clit. He placed her with her wrists and ankles in the air, and he used one hand to free her right hand.
“Here, hold the sprayer while I get your cuffs off, so they don’t get wet.”
Sam held it over her clit, and when her left hand was free, she used it to help get the burning cinnamon off faster, thankful for the cool water.
Her ankle cuffs were removed and then the ball gag and blindfold came off.
“Keep your eyes closed, don’t open them until you’re ready. Scene’s not over, but I’ll let you speak for a little while.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“For what? Letting you speak? Or for the earthshaking orgasm you just had?”
“Ummm. Both? Sir?”
He chuckled. “I bet.”
When all the toothpaste was gone, Ethan rubbed a soothing cream on and patted her mound. “Let’s dry off and move back to the bedroom.”
“I’m kinda sleepy, Sir.”
“We need to work on your depth training, so you’ll have two hours this evening. I’ll give you a choice of going to sleep and trusting me take it out in two hours, watching a movie in bed, or submitting to two hours of orgasm after orgasm after—”
Sam interrupted with, “How about a movie, with the option of falling asleep while we watch. Sir?”
“Wow.” His eyes twinkled as he gave an arrogant smirk. “I really did wear you out.”
Sam looked down to her breasts, and raised and twisted her arms to look at the sensitive skin the clips had tortured. The red marks still looked pretty angry, and she could see enough bruising to know it would look bad in the morning.
He lifted her and walked them both to the bedroom. “I’ll rub some arnica cream on them once I get your depth training started. Let’s move you to hands and knees for this.”
He settled her gently on the bed, and Sam rolled over and pushed into position, watching as he gathered the lube, the long dildo, and the harness.
She expected him to take the stretching ring out, and tried to release it as she felt it twisting, but he said, “No, don’t push. It’s staying in for now. I’m taking the plug out of it.”
He pulled and twisted the plug out while holding the ring portion in, and then she gasped as she realized he was pushing the long dildo into her through the stretching ring.
“It turns out we can work on stretching you two ways at once. Isn’t that great?”
Sam closed her eyes and monotoned, “Yes, Sir. It’s wonderful.”
He laughed. “You don’t sound thrilled about it, Samantha darling.”
He slowed and she tensed, waiting to feel the tip go farther than comfortable, and wasn’t disappointed as she felt it snake far into her colon and bump into something deep inside. She grunted and jerked, and he twisted and pushed a little more before fastening the harness around her and locking it into place.
He patted her on the ass. “Anything you want to watch?”
“Isn’t the one with fast cars and lots of explosions available for streaming now?”
He reached for the remote as he said, “I think so.”
Sam ended up lying on her side with her head in Ethan’s lap. Her ass spasmed around the stretching ring a few times, as it was the first she’d had to deal with dual stretching sensations. She was thankful she was so tired, and that the movie took her mind off it. Mostly.
Ethan set his smartphone for two hours, and she was asleep within moments of being relieved of the ring and dildo.
The rest of the weekend was taken up with surprisingly normal activities, should one overlook the fact Sam was naked with large things in her ass the majority of the time.
They stayed at his place Saturday night, and he made her a fantastic breakfast Sunday morning, and took her out to eat at one of her favorite restaurants for dinner.
He made sure she could get the larger anal ring in by herself Sunday evening before he left, admonishing her to be sure she kept to her schedule during the week.
When he was gone she went downstairs and worked out for three hours before stumbling up the steps and falling into bed without showering.
Chapter Seven
Sam’s nine o’clock appointment stopped three steps inside her door, her expression one of uncertainty and then fear. The woman composed her face quickly and said, “I’m sorry, I was here to see Sam McGinnis.”
“I’m Sam. I assume you’re Jenna Masterson?”
The woman’s face returned to confused uncertainty. “But, you’re a woman.”
“Yes.” Sam’s smile likely bordered on unfriendly, but she tried to remain civil until she understood the woman’s confusion. “Was there a reason you preferred a man, Ms. Masterson?”
“Oh, please don’t think...” The woman took another step forward and stopped, her face showing true distress. “It’s not about how good you are; you come well recommended, it’s just…” She wrung her hands, opened her mouth, closed it, and then tried again. “My husband is less likely to hurt a man than a woman. I don’t want to put anyone in front of his temper, especially not someone he’s apt to strike.” She shifted her weight, her eyes apologetic, and her voice that of someone who’s known true fear. “There were no pictures of you, and I assumed Sam would be a man. I’m sorry.”
Sam’s smile was friendlier as she said, “I can assure you I’m more than capable of taking care of myself. Several years ago I won the national title for Kung Fu, and I’m still active in the martial arts community. If he lays a hand on me I’ll be more than happy to show him why it’s a bad idea to assume all women are easy prey.”
The woman took a few seconds to process Sam’s words before her shoulders visibly relaxed. “I believe you. Just, please be careful with him. I’d feel terrible if you were hurt because of me.” She moved into the room and held her hand out. “Please, call me Jenna.”
An hour and a half later, Sam scrutinized the woman across from her and considered all possible options carefully before saying, “You leaving him and going into hiding isn’t a problem, legally; but keeping the children from him can be. Are you specifically afraid for your own safety, or are you also afraid for the safety of your children? I need to be clear on this point.”
“He’s never struck our daughter hard enough to put marks on her, but he’s knocked our son around enough I worry for him, and would be terrified of either of my children around him without me to intercede when he’s angry. He’ll be furious with me for leaving and won’t be in control of his temper, so yeah, I’m worried for their safety, too.”
“Your medical records and the pictures you’ve taken of yourself with black eyes and other assorted bruises will go far towards proving he’s a danger to you.” Sam sighed as she reached her own decision, suspecting this case would be especially challenging. “I’ll help you find a safe place to go with the kids, and I’ll support your efforts in court to keep him away from the children as long as I’m convinced he’s a danger to them. If you’ve researched me then you know I prefer parents work out a joint arrangement as long as both parents are capable of w
orking together.”
“Yes ma’am, but it also appears that when one parent is an asshole you’ll go to bat for the other to have sole custody.”
Sam nodded and waved at the paperwork before the other woman. “You have the means to pay my fees?”
“Yes. I’ve been saving extra grocery money and spending money for years in a box under the floorboards of my closet. I have enough saved to pay your fees and support us until I can find a job. I hope to receive child support from him eventually, but if we have to run and hide, I’m prepared.”
Sam made arrangements with a local women and children’s shelter for them to arrive the following Monday, when Mr. Masterson would be out of town on business. She talked the woman through how to rent a storage facility so her husband couldn’t track it, and talked to her about obtaining a burner phone. She also made the necessary notes so she could have the husband served with papers at his hotel Monday afternoon once his wife and kids were safely out of the house, and before he could file a complaint she’d kidnapped the children.
The rest of her afternoon was taken up with preparing the papers to file with the courthouse first thing Monday morning, and helping Mrs. Masterson rent a generic truck and hire movers — pointing out she didn’t want the neighbors telling him which moving company had moved her out of the home and possibly finding out where her things had been taken.
“It’s imperative you don’t take anything of his with you. Take clothing, belongings, and furniture of the children — that’s not a problem. However, you should only take your own clothing and jewelry, only the personal effects he’ll look silly trying to claim as his, and any furniture you came into the marriage with. You can request the court split the other assets later, but you don’t want to take it with you. We want the court sympathetic to you. Try to look at each piece you take as a judge will. If in doubt, leave it.”
She was exhausted when she left work, but she kept seeing the pictures and x-rays in her mind as she drove to the dojo. Twisting fractures in the woman’s wrist, and Sam had seen the woman favoring it heavily even though it’d been almost a year since he’d last broken it. The pictures had been of black eyes through many different hairstyles, and belt marks across various parts of the woman’s body, also through enough hairstyles Sam could see it’d gone on for years.