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Bobcat (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 2) Page 11

  I had to will myself back to sleep, but there wasn’t anything I could do for Tess except worry, and that wouldn’t help anything.

  Chapter Sixteen


  As far as days in court go, this one kicked ass. As I’d expected, we had a working lunch so I could coach my client one last time before I put her on the stand. So long as she didn’t royally screw up, we had this one in the bag, but I never assume anything in court.

  I managed to give Bobcat a quick thank-you kiss without anyone seeing, but there wasn’t time for more. He said he’d see me when he came to bed, and he was gone.

  Could this actually work? He didn’t seem upset that I couldn’t have lunch with him. Would that last?

  Meanwhile, Mac gave me a heads up when the news of Andretti’s embarrassing information went so viral, even the news stations were talking about it. Images of him walking down the street looking terribly chummy with a known murderous drug lord had gone out, along with a few facts the senator probably didn’t want known.

  Now, to wait for his response.

  I focused fully on my client and the court case when lunch was over. I’d hired people to keep me alive, so I needed to trust them to do it. My inner animal was focused on who was lying, who was pleased, who was distressed. She was also keyed in to the jury, and on who we still needed to convince. Eye contact while talking to them, unless that seemed to turn them off. There’s so much to making sure you win your case, and my inner animal fully understood what I needed from her in these situations.

  She also smelled the wolves at our back, watching over us. This let her focus more intently on the trial as well.

  Thankfully, we wrapped it up in a day, and the jury came back with a verdict around three. We won, of course. And yes, I was aware my client was guilty and I’d just gotten her off, but her ex-husband had needed killing. Seriously. Dude had broken her jaw two months before, and while she was in the hospital, he’d roughed up their fifteen-year-old son. So yes, I got her off and I felt good about it. The bastard was worm food and she’d made it happen. Good for her.

  I followed my guards’ protocols to get into the vehicle so a long-range sniper wouldn’t have a shot. I sat in the back seat with my eyes closed, Mac driving and Ranger beside me instead of up front. A few deep breaths, and I was ready for whatever came next.

  “Tonight will be your last night as the MC’s guest. We’d like to move you around the city, but having Bobcat come to you is a security risk once we relocate you. He isn’t likely to be followed, but if he is...”

  “Then he won’t come to me. Whatever you need to do to keep me safe.”

  “If you want him with you, we’ll work that into our plans. I suppose my question is whether you want us to do that or not.”

  I shook my head. “Whatever is easiest. If having him on the premises provides another guard and is beneficial, we bring him in. If having him come to me is a possible breach, we don’t.”


  Tires screamed. My heart stilled. Time slowed. I looked around and saw a huge garbage truck barreling at us. We were moving faster. Other cars around us were braking, trying to get stopped. Mac was trying to move out of the way before the truck arrived, but we were hemmed in by the cars around us.

  The truck clipped the back panel of our SUV instead of t-boning us in the passenger compartment. We swung around, Mac swung us back around, up onto a sidewalk. We turned right into an alley, then right again, onto a main road. Left this time, another alley. Right onto a side road. I lost track of our direction, with all of the rights and lefts. Ranger was on comms with someone, Mac seemed to be following a route someone else was giving him. Within four minutes, we were on the interstate headed out of town.

  The back tire of our vehicle wasn’t right. I wasn’t sure how far we’d get on it, but I didn’t say anything. If I felt it, the men did as well.

  Three minutes later, we got off another exit and drove through a mall area, circling, and finally parked in a cinema parking lot.

  “Someone’s bringing another car the three of us can transfer into,” Ranger told me, his eyes focused outside the vehicle, scanning. Watching. “They’ll get this one back to the scene for the police report. We have on-board footage from all directions, so we’ll be able to show what happened and why we left the scene. It’ll be fine.”

  “I suppose this answers the question of whether they’re after me or not.”

  “It does,” Mac said from up front. “Any questions? Concerns?”

  “Nope. Ya’ll got me out of there, and I assume we won’t be sitting ducks here for long.”

  “You assume correctly. We’ll drive to a package store across the street shortly to make the switch. The buildings form a wall on all but one side, and we can block you with the cars from that direction. Two steps from one car to the next. Keep your head down. It’ll be fine.”

  I nodded. “I’m sure it will. Are we still going to the spa tonight?”


  Heaven forbid security types ever answered with a simple yes, but I refrained from rolling my eyes at him.

  My phone rang, and I showed the readout to Ranger. It was Bobcat, but I wasn’t doing anything to interfere with operational security.

  “Don’t say where we are or what we’re doing or where you’ll be tonight. He shouldn’t ask, but if he does, don’t answer.”

  I engaged the call and put the phone to my ear. “I bet my day’s been more exciting than yours.”

  “You got someone off for murder and then were nearly killed. I’d say you’re right. I just needed to hear your voice. If you don’t need anything, I’ll let you go.”

  “I’m pretty sure we’re good here.”

  “Keep it that way.”

  He disconnected, and Ranger said, “Perfect. We have another team in town, which is how we have someone else to take the vehicle back to the scene of the accident.”

  Mac put the car in gear, and we made our way across the street to a liquor store. I waited for the men to get into place and open my door, and I stood, took two steps, and was in the backseat of a white three-series BMW.

  Once again, Mac drove and Ranger sat in the back with me.

  “Change in plans,” Mac said. “The hotel beside Blaze has vampire accommodations. We’ll be staying there for the evening. Someone will bring Bobcat to you when the club closes. They have a small garage the brothers park their bikes in. He’s going to let one of our guys drive it away. Same basic build as Bobcat. We want to see who follows.”


  Two hours before closing, Aaron Drake walked into Blaze with four men I didn’t recognize, but all four were clearly lethal. Two wolves, a tiger, and an eagle. Three of the men sat near the stage, Aaron walked to my office. I followed and closed the door behind us.

  He pulled something from his pocket, about half the size of a deck of cards. He set it on my desk and flipped a switch. I flinched at the discordant, jarring, chaos of sound, but I understood. No one would be able to hear us, so long as we spoke lower than the device. This office had been hardened, but the newest, best tech was available to the people who wanted Tess. Aaron Drake knew what they had and how to defeat it.

  He put his mouth to my ear and explained the plan.

  Aaron had been the one to take the car back to the scene of the crime, and his clearances brought the Feds in, so it wasn’t just the locals investigating now. He’d thrown down the gauntlet. Aaron Drake was protecting Tess McKnight, and anyone who went after her earned the ire of Drake Security. Anyone who might someday want to work for him might want to back away from this job. This alone wouldn’t keep her safe, but it took away some of the other side’s options.

  But best of all, she was next door, in the vampire-secure rooms of our hotel. The truth is that I had no idea we had vampire-secure rooms. It made sense, when I considered it. It was also an ideal location to secure her. No windows meant there was no way a sniper could get to her, and — by des
ign — vampire rooms are fifty levels beyond secure.

  Since no one was aware Tess and I were a thing, it wasn’t likely I’d be followed or bugged, but Aaron wanted me to act as if I was. I fully agreed.

  Dementor walked me next door when we closed. Aaron assured me the person riding my bike knew what they were doing. I told him if it was wrecked, it could be replaced. Tess wasn’t replaceable.

  Chapter Seventeen


  They brought me Scout for the night. He’d go to Velvet the next day, and he’d have to stay there at that point. He’d be with her at night, and with whoever was in the control room during the day. So long as she introduced him to people, he’d be fine with them. He’d met everyone but McGyver. Well, and the new prospects. And any new sweetbutts.

  Damn, I wished I could go with him, but it couldn’t be helped, and I knew he’d be fine with Velvet. They adore each other.

  Meanwhile, we snuggled in bed, and I explained he might not see me for a few days, but it was going to be okay. The look he gave me clearly told me he didn’t believe me, so I amended with, “It’ll probably be okay. I have really good people looking out for me.”

  That got me a lick on my cheek. He hates sleeping under the covers, so he waited until I got comfy to lie up against me. Scout is four years old, but it feels as if he’s been with me forever. He’s my friend, my partner, my security. He’s so much more than a pet.

  We fell asleep together, and I awakened to Scout’s rumble a few hours later. Not a growl. He wasn’t sounding a full-throttle alarm, but merely waking me to let me know of a possible problem.

  The vampire quarters allow you to scent the people in your outer room, so I immediately knew it was Bobcat. “He’s okay, Scout. Friend.”

  He stopped rumbling, and I stood. Before I opened the door, I looked at Scout and repeated. “He’s a friend. He’s okay.”

  I opened the door and told Bobcat. “Don’t hug me. Don’t walk to me fast. Scout needs to meet you first.”

  He went motionless a portion of a second, taking it in. He looked past me to Scout and smiled. “Hey there, big guy. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  Scout looked to me, wanting my input. I walked to Bobcat and touched him. “Friend. He’s okay.”

  Scout jumped off the bed and came to us, his body not in total friend mode, but he wasn’t aggressive. He sniffed the kitty cat’s pocket, and Bobcat chuckled and reached into it.

  “Nothing wrong with your sniffer, is there? Yes, I brought some cheese as a peace offering.”

  He opened the wrapper and broke the cheese stick into three bites, which he fed one at a time. Scout, of course, was thrilled, and he licked Bobcat’s hand, looking for more.

  “Looks like he might think you’re okay, even if you’re a cat,” I noted. “Good call on the cheese.”

  I glanced at the clock. Two-thirty. My alarm would go off in four hours. Scout’s ears went up, and then he took off. I followed around the corner and saw my big boy, rolled over on his back, belly-up to The Dragon King.

  I could relate. If Aaron Drake wasn’t happily married, I might be tempted to do the same. However, I was more than a little alarmed to have the owner of the security company in the place my guards had been when I went to bed.

  “Mr. Drake. I wasn’t expecting you. Is there news?”

  “Everything’s fine. Mac and Ranger are getting some sleep. Andretti has both government and criminal factions available with a phone call. Your quote for two weeks won’t change, but if we need to extend it, expect an increase.”

  I observed his body language. Relaxed. Assured. I could almost see the dragon, even though he was in human form. “I’d remind you of the large dollar amount I’ve offered if I’m still alive once the danger has passed, but I have a feeling this is more about promises kept.”

  “It is.” He’d squatted down, his butt on the back of his feet, and he and Scout were rubbing all over each other.

  “How is it that you’ve met my dog but not me?” Because Scout wouldn’t do this unless they’d met before.

  “I visited Velvet while he was with her. He was ready to rip my throat out until she told him I was a friend, and then he immediately submitted. He’s a noble warrior, even in the face of certain defeat. I respect that.”

  “He is.” I watched Scout rubbing and scent marking the Dragon King a few more minutes, and asked him, “Are you ready to go back to bed?”

  He didn’t even have to consider the answer. A final lick to Aaron Drake’s cheek, and he went to the bedroom, leapt onto the bed, and made himself comfortable in the center.

  I laughed and looked at Bobcat. “I’ll get him off when we’re ready to get in, and then invite him onto the foot of the bed.”

  “I just need a quick shower.”


  I’d hoped for some morning sex, but that wasn’t going to happen with Scout in the room.

  Tess had told me he was more wolf than dog, and meeting him totally reinforced it. Tess, his alpha, had told him I was a friend, but he wasn’t completely convinced. He watched my every move. Unaggressive, but focused.

  My cat-friends tell me I have some wolf energy, now that I’m part of Rolling Thunder. Was Scout trying to figure out why the bobcat smelled of wolves? Maybe.

  The vampire rooms are set up as a suite. The daywalkers are in the kitchen, living room, and an extra bedroom, while the vampire is in their own little fortress of a bedroom, complete with three iron bars you could put across the door from the inside. Electronic locks are great, but the old ones prefer to stick to the tried-and-true methods as well. With Aaron Drake in the outer room, we didn’t need to worry with barring ourselves in. The normal locks were fine. I set them, prowled the room, looked through the information for the fire room and how to get into it, and began to undress.

  Scout was leaned against Tess in the spot I’d want to be. He was setting us up for a showdown, and I didn’t want to go to battle with him, but I couldn’t let him win this one.

  “If you can scoot closer to the middle while I shower, to make room for me on your other side, we can do this without pissing him off.”

  “You realize he understands you, right?”

  I sighed and made my way to the bathroom. Naked. “I’m not going to start writing notes or texting so the dog won’t understand.”

  “He doesn’t like it when you call him a dog.”

  No, if he truly understood conversational English, I didn’t imagine he would. And, if Tess said he did, she was probably right.

  Chapter Eighteen


  My alarm went off way too soon, and Bobcat rolled over and shut my phone off. I was between a cat and a wolf, and my inner mongoose was way happier about that than she should’ve been.

  “Do you have an earlier appointment today?” Bobcat asked.

  “No. I set it early so we could have some time together.”

  “And how is that supposed to work? I have a feeling someone will bite my ass if I try to fuck his Mistress.”

  She laughed. “I’ll put him outside the room with his breakfast. He won’t be happy about it, but food always helps.”

  She’d worn shorts and a t-shirt to bed, and I watched her gracefully stand and walk across the room. So fluid. So... graceful wasn’t the right word. You could see her power and confidence in every movement. Graceful often implies a certain amount of fragility, and she was strong.

  Scout came running when he smelled her open the container with his food. She talked to Aaron a few moments, and then she was back, closing and locking the door behind her. Now, it was her turn to strip before she climbed into bed, and I welcomed her with open arms.

  Before, I’d had to fight her to get on top of her. She was beside me, would she let me climb on top and dominate her?

  Only one way to find out, but I took it slow. Kisses while we were side-by-side. Touches to her arms. Her belly.

  I slid my hand up. Cupped a breast, and the scent of her arousal
grew stronger.

  I’d told her I wouldn’t fuck her pussy until she submitted. Until I didn’t have to fight her for it. Was it really going to be this easy?


  I wanted him. I woke up early to be able to spend time with him.

  But when it came to it, I couldn’t submit. Me. Not my inner mongoose this time. She was fine with me spreading my legs and inviting him in.

  He seemed to take it in stride, though. I rolled away and moved to get out of bed, but he grabbed me, dragged me back with me on my stomach, held my arms behind my back, and pushed my shorts to the side.

  I tried my best not to scream when he jammed himself into my ass, dry as fuck.

  He went in, held, and leaned down to speak into my ear.

  “I won’t go in that beautiful pussy of yours until you submit. I’m good with your ass, though, so feel free to fight me as long as you want.” He pulled out and shoved back in. “I’m a patient kitty cat. Breathe for me, Tessa.”

  No one’s ever called me Tessa. My given name is Theresa, but my grandfather was the only one who used it. To everyone else, I’ve always been Tess.

  I liked hearing Tessa come from Bobcat’s lips. It seemed special. Just between us.

  I took a deep breath, and a whine escaped my chest.

  “Do you want me to stop and get lube? Can you behave?”

  I shook my head, and he didn’t ask which question I’d answered. He was smart enough to know it didn’t matter. If he’d asked, I’d have lost respect for him. Instead, he took me at my word and started moving. In and out. In and out. Not especially rough, but it was still way more than I could handle.

  But also, exactly right.

  I didn’t know, when I set my alarm, that I needed him to dominate me and hurt me. I’m not sure I imagined anything specific, just time with him.