The Dragon King Page 10
“When they find out I’ve been in North Carolina, what’s the danger they find out the two of you were here, and put it together?”
He shook his head. “We took off for the Tail of the Dragon one day, and we’ve been seen riding the Blue Ridge Parkway other days. We’ve been careful when we came to Franklin, changing clothes and not wearing our cuts.”
Duke came into the kitchen and took a seat as he said, “There are some important political points you don’t appear to understand, and since your father comes down on the side of the bad guys, it’s no surprise you’ve been kept in the dark. I need you to hear me out and not get defensive while I explain some things, okay Princess?”
I nodded and he said, “A very powerful supernatural lives in Chattanooga. We’ll call him Bob. He claims the territory of Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and North Carolina, as well as the panhandle and northernmost parts of Florida. Amongst other things, Bob doesn’t allow humans in his territory to be held against their will by any supernatural, and he includes in this the ability to force a human to think they want to do something they really don’t. For the supernaturals who must kill humans to survive, some species he doesn’t allow in his territory, other species he gives very specific rules that basically only allow them to kill bad people.”
Duke let me absorb this a second, and I said, “My father holds humans who are blood bonded. They don’t have a choice but to obey him. They’re slaves.”
Duke nodded. “Yes, and the supernatural community has speculated for decades why Bob allowed it. I’ve recently learned it’s because of his friendship with Aaron. However, there are some power clans, families, and groups in South Carolina, and Bob taking the state is no longer the sure thing it would’ve been a hundred and fifty years ago. None of us knows what Bob may do, including Aaron, but we could be looking at war.”
Aaron stepped into view and leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest. My heart skipped a beat at his majestic beauty, so casual, but I asked, “Is this your friend Abbott?”
Aaron nodded and I asked, “Why haven’t you told me much about him? You’ve told me all of the supernatural leaders’ strong and weak points, but not his? It seems to me this is someone I should know about.”
“He isn’t a shapeshifter, Soph, and I’ve kept your political teachings specifically to them, so far. When you’ve come out and officially faced your father — assuming we’re both alive afterwards — then I’ll take you to Abbott and help mediate an agreement. However, while he’ll likely help you go against your father, I doubt you’ll be able to dictate the terms of his help. If Abbott and his people fight your father and win, your father will die.”
“And if I ask you to spare my father’s life if at all possible, you’ll try your best to beat him without killing him?”
Aaron nodded and I looked back to Brain and Duke. “You’re both based in Atlanta, so this means you follow Abbot’s rules as well?”
“Yes. Since the Great Depression, shapeshifter groups have chosen where to settle based on their attitude towards humans. The ones who saw the need to get along with them and cooexist without treating them as cattle, settled in Abbott’s territory, and another domain in the north-central US and parts of Canada. Those who don’t see the need to change after millennia of using humans as a food and slaves, settled everywhere else. The fights over territory are mostly a thing of the past, unless Abbott decides to round out his territory and add South Carolina.”
“What about the rest of Florida?”
Aaron laughed. “Florida is kind of an anything goes state. With the tourist traffic, and the ability to easily get in and out of the state via the ocean on both sides, no one really holds it.”
“Bottom line here is that you all see my father as a bad guy.” I shook my head. “It isn’t just humans he gives the okay to hold in slavery. He didn’t allow me any freedom, either.”
* * * *
Dinner was warmed up steak, fried potatoes, and another huge salad. When Aaron had finally stepped into the kitchen, he’d pulled me into his arms, kissed my forehead, and asked me to show him what I’d learned from Duke. Five minutes later he’d complimented Duke on teaching me, told me I was getting there, and then gone to work on the food.
Now, sitting beside him as we ate, I wanted his touch. The table was oval so it didn’t take much for me to move sideways enough to prop my feet in his lap. Aaron gave me a gentle smile as he casually rested his left hand on top of my foot and continued eating with his right. He took another bite, swallowed, and asked, “Long day?”
“Yeah, but I’ve learned a lot. What’s your take on our odds of making this work? Coming out the other side in one piece, and with enough power to keep both of us healthy and together?”
“Decent, but it could go a number of ways. I wish I could talk to Nathan, but he’s only close to Raul because of me and I don’t want to ask him to go back on their agreement.”
I’d met Aaron’s best friend and business partner, Nathan, a few times at royal balls and other social functions. He was an excellent dancer, and just as large as Aaron, but with a deeper voice. You could tell by watching him walk he was a cat, though. So much attitude.
Duke and Brain watched us, taking in our body language and likely our scents. I figured Brain would speak up, but Duke surprised me by asking Aaron, “You sure you know what you’re doing, flyboy?”
Aaron grinned and said, “Nope, just winging it at this point. Things’ll either work out or they won’t, but I plan to do everything in my power to see they work out.”
Brain took another bite of steak and sat back as he chewed, contemplating us. “Actually, this could work. I hadn’t pegged you as a bird, but if you are, and you’re this powerful? As old as you are, I’m guessing something big, maybe even something we don’t have around anymore. You have to know your secret will get out, though, if you’re seen flying with her. Also, with the Fae and shapeshifter population fully mobilized to look for her? They’ll know where she is within minutes of her flying out of this cave on the solstice.”
Aaron lifted his chin and gave Brain a pointed look. “Heard you were smart, and I’d say you’re ten levels above smart and I hope we have time for some chess while we’re here. However, I’d appreciate you keeping your suppositions to yourself, once we leave the cave.”
Brain dipped his head in understanding, a silent promise, and said, “Rumor has it that Raul’s worked several deals with the Fae. Just guessing as to the content, but if I were him I’d have arranged permission to use the Summerlands to get me from the coast of South Carolina to wherever my daughter was found.”
“I know,” Aaron said, “and this area’s known as the land of the waterfalls for a reason. Lots of Fae doorways for him to use.”
It occurred to me Aaron might not know I’d spent much time in the Summerlands, so I said, “Ummm, did you know my little waterfall at home is a doorway?”
He looked at me for several long moments without comment, and I couldn’t read his expression but could tell he hadn’t known. I filled in the silence. “My current governess was conceived in the Summerlands, born there, lived there until she was nine, and has spent at least fourteen hours of every birthday there since she moved out.”
“So she’s considered a citizen.”
I nodded and he said, “And she was responsible for you when you were there?”
Again, I nodded, and he asked, “How close are you to her family? The ones still living there?”
“Not at all, I only met them once. My father arranged for my waterfall to give me entrance to my own small section of the Summerlands. I was behind walls there, too, and he only occasionally allowed me into the rest of the Summerlands. The purpose for giving me my little isolated corner was to get me used to the rules, so I could survive if I ever needed to go for emergency purposes.”
“And did you discover your talents in the Summerlands?” he asked.
“Yes. I've had luck changing
the weather, and when I concentrate I can successfully keep people from getting near me if they're planning me harm as they approach, and it turns out I have pretty strong teleportation skills, though he somehow locked my little corner so I couldn’t teleport out. Unfortunately, I have a few weaknesses, too — the biggest being that almost everyone knows my true name.”
“Easily solved,” Aaron said with a smile. “I've added to your true name.”
“And I only have to believe it so, in order for it to be true?”
He shook his head. “Three people have to believe it, including you. We have four here, and wolves rarely go into The Summerlands.” He gave me a second and prodded, “Tell us your true name, Soph, and believe it.”
I looked around for a good ten seconds, knowing he was right but needing to work it through in my head. Finally, I said, “My name is Sophia Sassafras Victoria Angelique Siyanko.”
Aaron smiled as he asked, “Sassafras? Nice touch, Sassy. I like it.”
Brian looked solemn as he said, “Your secret is safe with us, Princess. Is there any chance you have allies in The Summerlands?”
I shook my head. “In the summer, yes, but not the winter. I know the Winter Queen, but I never know whether she’ll look on me with fondness or hatred.” I lifted a shoulder and let it drop. “Besides Aaron and the Summer Queen, I can't think of anyone in a position of power who’d go against my father on my behalf. There’s a leopard who might, but he wouldn't stand a chance. There are possibly a few of my younger female cousins, but again, none of them would have enough of a chance to succeed for me to allow them to risk themselves.”
“I thought one of the points of royalty having a whipping girl was to provide a friend to bond with as children?” Brain asked. “Someone to have as an advisor when they grow older? What about her? Was she allowed into your section of The Summerlands?”
“Madeline and I were always more allies than friends. We kept it from the adults until I was, I don't know, maybe seventeen? At nineteen they gave up and let her go to college. I never liked seeing her whipped on my behalf, but I mostly obeyed anyway, and the few times I didn’t and knew I wouldn’t, we talked about it ahead of time and I found a way to get her to agree to it before I went through with my plan. When my temper got the best of me and I smarted off to my father, I felt even worse because she hadn’t already agreed to it, but she was never angry with me.” I shook my head. “She went to the Summerlands with me a couple of times when I was invited for a celebration or party, but she didn’t go into my corner with me. As far as I know, she wasn’t aware my waterfall was a doorway.”
* * * *
When Aaron and I finally went to our bedroom, I carried the laptop with us, opened the program Brain showed me I could type documents in, and typed, “Duke called you flyboy? Does he know what you are?”
He typed back, “He’s just guessing. Birds rarely enter a relationship with a non-flying shapeshifter, as they can’t spend time together in animal form. I know of a hawk/wolf couple, but they’re both in the woods together, at least, and team up to hunt smaller game. But a swan would be unlikely to go for anyone who can’t fly. He was seeing what kind of reaction he’d get.”
“He may not be as smart as Brain in all things, but he isn’t stupid,” I typed. “Most of the wolves my father had guarding me were rough and not very bright, mostly only good for following specific orders. I guess I’d been given the impression they were the dumb beasts of our world, but Brain and Duke are anything but.”
“Duke thinks more like a general, while Brain is all about the politics. Together, the two are formidable and you’d do well to listen to them. When I made the request for Brain, I hoped Duke would be part of the package.”
Chapter Sixteen
I watched Sophia grow and learn in the week we spent with the wolves. All three of us sparred with her, and she grew more and more used to touch.
Duke and Brain were both quite tactile, and touched her arm to get her attention when talking, or reached for the mouse to take it from her when they wanted to show her something on the computer. Before long, she no longer froze when one of them touched her.
We had a bit of a party their last night with us, with a feast of the last of our refrigerated goods, as well as some wine for Sophia and the last of the beer for the rest of us.
We said goodbye to the wolves early the next morning — too late for the Owls but not quite time for the Eagles, and hopefully no one else around who might be watching two wolves trot out of a cave. I watched with melancholy as Duke and Brain sincerely wished Sophia the best, hugging her and holding her a good bit longer than I’d have been comfortable with if it hadn’t been a goodbye to someone they considered a friend. They hugged me, too, and then they were gone.
“I’m going to miss them,” she told me when we could no longer hear them.
“I know. If this all works out though, I’ll be helping them move to Chattanooga, and if you stay in town with me you’ll be able to see them occasionally, if you like.”
She nodded and said, “The solstice is day after tomorrow. You ready to let me in on your plans?”
“Our plans, Soph.” I could get her started on the strategy, but we’d need to finesse it together, and decide on the biggest decision of all — whether to take her virginity now so I wouldn’t need to flog her, or wait till later, meaning she’d have to undergo at least one more rip-the-skin-off-her-body flogging.
“Right,” she countered, “but you have something in mind and I’d like to hear it. I didn’t push before because I assumed you didn’t want to put the wolves in a tight position, should their knowing the details put them in danger, but they’re gone, so I’m asking.”
“Brain actually helped me with a few ideas, but you’re right — I wanted to keep the final parts from them. We’ll be leaving the safe house tomorrow morning and going to another part of the cave. If you decide you don’t want to be flogged, tonight will be the last time we’re in a regular bed before the solstice.”
She shook her head. “As much as I want to have sex with you, if I’m thinking like a Princess then I know we have to wait. I’m not looking forward to the flogging, but I don’t feel the terror about it I used to feel, when it was Boris doing it. So, thanks for making the decision a little easier.”
I pulled her into my arms and told her, “I’m not looking forward to it, either, but I’ll do everything I can to help you through it.”
Sophia wanted to seal things up in plastic, put things back to rights as much as possible, but I told her this safe house would be shot as soon as we flew out of the cave. I uploaded everything on the laptops and tablets to a server farm I owned in Russia, and then we took every piece of electronic equipment, as well as anything else that might point to our activities while there, to the other cavern. I turned into a dragon and breathed fire on it all until it was a pile of ashes.
We went back to the house and I used most of the remaining diesel to fully charge three hi-capacity batteries. I packed two heating blankets, as well as a few garage clip-on lights with heat lamps in them, and a lightweight camping lantern. We packed the clothes we’d need to stay warm, and went to bed.
I gave her three orgasms — a record — and she fell asleep happy.
Chapter Seventeen
I awoke with a heavy feeling in my stomach the next morning. I looked forward to going outside again, but was nervous about what the future held. I couldn’t stay in this cave forever, but it represented safety and I had mixed feelings about leaving it.
It took us most of the day to reach the area Aaron intended us to camp, and I figured we must have walked ten miles. My backpack had one battery, some blankets, clothes, and water. Aaron carried two batteries, a lot of water, and our food. His load was much heavier, and yet he seemed to not feel it at all.
When we finally arrived, I was pleased to see we were in a rather small room, with a rubber flap over the entrance so we’d
be able to keep it warm. Though, this part of the cave didn’t seem as cool.
When I asked him about it he said, “We’re not too far from an exit, though it’s currently blocked with a large wooden wall. I have an air mattress and a small pump. I’ll let you blow it up while I get everything else set up.”
Thirty minutes later we had light and warmth, and a comfortable place to sleep.
We were going to get started at one o’clock in the morning to hopefully give ourselves a little bit of an edge. There was a mountain about thirty miles away — as the swan and dragon fly — that Aaron said was a place of power. He’d been instrumental in getting the entire region set aside as a Wilderness Area, and had apparently spent more than a century claiming it and making the mountain’s power his. He assured me that — because it would see me as his mate — the mountain would provide power and energy to the two of us while refusing it to our enemies.
“The mountain is my friend, Soph. I can’t explain it any better than that.”
I didn’t understand, but I believed him, and I’d follow him to it and hope this ended up being the location of my showdown with my father.
We’d eaten protein bars and drank water while we’d walked earlier, but he surprised me with some beef jerky and a candy bar as we sat and talked.
He helped me relax by rubbing my back, and the last thing I heard before sleep took me was, “No matter what happens tomorrow, Soph, I’m yours and you’re mine.”
* * * *
Aaron woke me gently, and I drank the protein shake he offered. It bordered on disgusting, but I knew I needed the calories and energy.
He drank four, and when I asked for a second he made it without comment.